“Come for the cocktails, stay for the decolonization.”
Tiki: Criticism
Reclaiming the Tiki Bar - Sammi Katz and Olivia McGiff for The New York Times
The Problem with Tiki - Mariah Kunkel, Samuel Jimenez, Chockie Tom for PUNCH
Rethinking Tiki: How to Do Tropical Escapism Better - Caroline Hatchett for Liquor.com
Tiki bars are built on cultural appropriation and colonial nostalgia. Where’s the reckoning? - John Birdsall for the Los Angeles Times
Samuel Jimenez is Inspiring a Much-Needed Conversation About Tiki - Paul Clarke for Imbibe
Let's Talk Tiki Bars: Harmless Fun Or Exploitation? - Maanvi Singh for NPR
Abolish the Tiki Bar - Sarah Burke for SFMOMA
The Cultures of Tiki - Scott Lukas
One Mai Tai, Hold the Colonialism Please - Alicia Kennedy for Eater
Tiki Drinking Culture Has Always Been a Fantasy, But Not an Easy One - Al Sotack for Munchies
Trump’s America Killed My Tiki Bar - Alf LaMont for Huffington Post
The Rise and Fall and Rise of the American Tiki Bar - Nicola Twilley, Cynthia Graber for Gastropod
Tiki Hangover: Unearthing the False Idols of America's South Seas Fantasy - Hunter Oatman-Stanford for Collectors Weekly
A New Golden Age for the Tiki Bar - Kara Newman for The Atlantic
From Uga Booga to Hollywood Hula: A Deep Dive Into America's Fascination with Tiki Bars, Tropical Drinks and the South Pacific - Paola Mardo
As Trader Vic’s Plans a Comeback, We Need to Reexamine Tiki Bars - Kirk Miller for Inside Hook
Tiki Kitsch, American Appropriation, and the Disappearance of the Pacific Islander Body - Dan Taulapapa McMullin
Tiki Notes - Dan Taulapapa McMullin (Published in American Quarterly, Editors Ty Tengan and Paul Lyons)
"Tiki Manifesto" poem - Dan Taulapapa McMullin (Published by University of Arizona Press, Editor Craig Santos Perez
Tiki: History
Let’s Talk About Ernest Beaumont Gantt - Chloe Frechette for Punch
A Match Made in Paradise: The Story of Chinese-Tiki - Garrett Snyder for Punch
How Chinese Restaurants Shaped Tiki Culture In LA - Hadley Meares for LAist